When we see media coverage about Paperight, we make a note here. We may have missed some stuff.
January 2015
- 13 Jan 2015: Holger Ehling Worldwide: “Wrapping up the Paperight Journey” http://www.ehlingmedia.com/blog/?p=4220
- 30 Jan 2015: Mercy Pilkington on Good Ereader: “Paperight to Shut Its Doors” http://goodereader.com/blog/e-book-news/paperight-to-shut-its-doors
December 2014
- 15 Dec 2014: “Final chapter for award-winning SA publishing startup Paperight” http://www.htxt.co.za/2014/12/15/final-chapter-for-award-winning-sa-publishing-startup-paperight/
- 16 Dec 2014: “Paperight shuts down its POD platform” http://the-digital-reader.com/2014/12/16/paperight-shuts-pod-platform/
- 16 Dec 2014: “Cape Town publishing startup Paperight to close” http://disrupt-africa.com/2014/12/cape-town-publishing-startup-paperight-close/
October 2014
- 16 Oct 2014: “START-UPS: In discussion with Arthur Attwell”, http://finweek.com/2014/10/16/start-upsin-discussion-arthur-attwell/?ref=Fin24 (old interview, so may be a republication of Feb 2014 print Finweek article)
September 2014
- 10 Sep 2014: WDC2014, “Books Bridging Divides”: http://news.wdc14.com/books-bridging-divides/
- 15 Sep 2014: News24, “Copy shops in SA can now print books for a fraction of the price”: http://www.news24.com/Live/SouthAfrica/News/-20140915
- 25 Sep 2014: Ventureburn, “On SA startups going global: 7 case studies you can learn from” http://ventureburn.com/2014/09/on-sa-startups-going-global-7-case-studies-you-can-learn-from/
August 2014
- 20 August 2014: AfroDigit: “Top 100: Africa’s Most Innovative Companies to Follow in 2014 http://afrodigit.com/top-100-innovative-african-startups-follow-2014/
- 26 August 2014: htxt, “SA’s Paperight fights for the right to copy books” http://www.htxt.co.za/2014/08/26/sas-paperight-fights-for-the-right-to-copy-books/
July 2014
- 3 July 2014: The Digital Reader: “Piracy Sting Nets $700,000 in Illicit Books in Uganda, Shows the Value of Reprinting Services like Paperight” http://the-digital-reader.com/2014/07/03/piracy-sting-nets-700000-illicit-books-uganda-shows-value-reprinting-services-like-paperight/#.VCWM__l3601
- Listed on CEI Innovations Database: http://www.educationinnovations.org/program/paperight
June 2014
- The Guardian, “Open (for) business: how transparency can equal sustainability – and survival” http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2014/jun/05/open-business-transparency-sustainability-survival
May 2014
March–April 2014
- 6 Mar 2014, TogetherWePass, “UNISA Textbooks and the Text Book Revolution” http://www.togetherwepass.co.za/together-we-pass-blog/
- 14 Mar 2014: Ventureburn, “17 of our favourite tech startups recognised by Cape Town #WDC2014” http://ventureburn.com/2014/03/17-of-our-favorite-tech-startups-recognised-by-cape-town-wdc2014/
- 17 March 2014: IPWatch: “Innovating To Help African Students Learn With Legal, Affordable Textbooks” http://www.ip-watch.org/2014/03/17/innovating-to-help-african-students-learn-with-legal-affordable-textbooks/
- 17 Mar 2014, SA Booksellers, “Education in South Africa: Problems and future possibilities” http://www.sabooksellers.com/education-south-africa-problems-future-possibilities-2/
- 18 Mar 2014: TechDekk, “7 African technology startups to watch in 2014” http://www.techdekk.com/2014/03/7-african-technology-startups-watch-2014/
- 18 March 2014: GenevaLunch, “African students get legal, affordable textbooks: Innovative startup gets around problem of cheap pirated copies” (rerun of IP Watch article)” http://genevalunch.com/2014/03/18/african-students-get-legal-affordable-textbooks/
- 19 Mar 2014, Megan Beckett “Distributing OER in the developing world” http://meganbeckett.wordpress.com/2014/03/19/distributing-oer-in-the-developing-world/
- 24 Mar 2014: Intelligent HQ: “How To Have An Open Business http://www.intelligenthq.com/business/10-principles-open-business/
- 25 March 2014: Times LIVE radio interview (from 35 minutes): https://soundcloud.com/live-times-media/bn250314edit
- 26 Mar 2014, DeMarque, “Pratiques et politiques inspirantes du livre d’ici et d’ailleurs (ALQ)” http://propulsion.demarque.com/pratiques-et-politiques-inspirantes-du-livre-dici-et-dailleurs-alq/
- 28 Mar 2014: Mail&Guardian, “Download the M&G’s ‘Nkandla: The Great Unravelling’ e-book” http://mg.co.za/article/2014-03-28-mg-releases-e-book-nkandla-the-great-unravelling (also mentioned here http://www.rainbowfm.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1187:new-mag-releases-e-book-nkandla-the-great-unravelling-apr-1&catid=48:news and here http://amabhungane.co.za/article/2014-03-27-number-ones-reactions-evasive-petulant-aggressive and here http://www.kayafm.co.za/2014/03/newsroom/headline-news/anc-hones-master-plan-save-zuma/ and here http://www.bnreporter.com/?p=3543#)
- 3 Apr 2014, Varsity “Textbook Revolution – a Lost Cause? http://varsitynewspaper.co.za/opinions/3378-textbook-revolution-lost-cause
- 4 Apr 2014: BooksLIVE, “Short Story Africa on Nick Mulgrew” http://tiahbeautement.bookslive.co.za/blog/2014/04/04/short-story-africa-on-nick-mulgrew/
- 7 Apr 2014: “Siber Ink partners with Paperight on Labour Law Rules!” http://www.sibergramme.co.za/blog/siber-ink-partners-paperight-labour-law-rules
February 2014 (10)
- 4, Puryel.com, “World Design Capital 2014 Projects Of Interest”: http://www.puryel.com/world-design-capital-2014-projects-of-interest/
- 5, htxt.africa, “Textbook revolution”: http://www.htxt.co.za/2014/02/05/paperight-says-students-can-save-r1bn-demand-textbooks/textbook-revolution/
- 6, iAfriq.com, “10 impressive start-ups from emerging African markets you should know about”: http://www.iafriq.com/2014/02/10-impressive-start-ups-from-emerging.html
- 12, 2OceansVibe, “Tech Report: Paperight Could Change The Way We Buy Books Forever”: http://www.2oceansvibe.com/2014/02/12/tech-report-paperight-could-change-the-way-we-buy-books-forever-video/
- 12, The Block (blog), “Get to know your business geeks. Part 1”: http://wordsmacked.blogspot.com/2014/02/get-to-know-your-business-geeks-part-1.html
- 13, Finweek, “Meet the man behind Paperight”
- 17, Inside Devices (blog), “Top 23 African Start-Ups 2014”: http://insidedevices.org/2014/02/17/top-23-african-startups-2014/
- 24, Tygerburger, “Writing well can lead to empowerment – get the book free!”: http://www.tygerburger.co.za/articles/articledetails.aspx?id=123422
- 26, StarAfrica.com, “Paperight turns South African copy shops into book stores”: http://en.starafrica.com/entrepreneurship/paperight-turns-south-african-copy-shops-into-book-stores.html
January 2014 (7)
- 1, Succeed, “Arthur Attwell’s 7 success secrets for entrepreneurs”
- 3, Publishers Weekly, “The PW Digital Publishing Startup Review, 2014”: http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/digital/retailing/article/60525-checking-up.html
- ‘How Copy Shops Make Up For Lack of Books’ http://www.readingworldwide.com/index.php?id=51664
- 14, CNN, “15 African technology startups to watch in 2014”: http://edition.cnn.com/2014/01/14/business/14-african-startups-to-watch-in-2014/
- 22, SA-Venues.com, “Cape Town Design Capital 2014”: http://blog.sa-venues.com/provinces/western-cape/cape-town-design-capital/
- 23, AFK Insider, “South Africa’s Paperight Finds a New Approach to Publishing: On-Demand Printing”: http://afkinsider.com/39282/south-africas-paperight-finds-new-approach-demand-printing/
- 23, Books LIVE, “Diane Awerbuck Interviews Short Story Day Africa Organisers Rachel Zadok and Tiah Beautement”: http://bookslive.co.za/blog/2014/01/23/diane-awerbuck-interviews-short-story-day-africa-organisers-rachel-zadok-and-tiah-beautement/
- 31, Tech Report (eTV), “Paperight”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTZDfdOuWuU
December 2013 (5)
- 1, Bookmark, “Frankfurt Book Fair 2013”.
- 1, Contagious, “Small but Perfectly Formed”.
- 17, garytaaffe.com (blog), “Paperight.com”: http://garytaaffe.blogspot.com/2013/12/paperightcom.html
- 22, Medium, “Not Yet for Profit”: https://medium.com/entrepreneurs-corner/8ab854e677f4
- 30, ventureburn, “15 impressive startups from emerging markets you should know about”: http://ventureburn.com/2013/12/15-impressive-startups-from-emerging-markets-you-should-know-about/
November 2013 (10)
- 1, Destiny Man, 40 Under 40.
- 1, Tech (Foshini), “PART 1 OF 3 – NEW- SCHOOL TECH”.
- 1, Financial Mail, “Changing direction”.
- 1, Upper Coast Fever, “Pupils on sponsorship receiving end for matric exams”.
- 1, Without Prejudice, “Proudly South African”.
- 4, “Telkom Innovation Challenge: A mega sting in the tail”: http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2013-11-04-telkom-innovation-challenge-a-mega-sting-in-the-tail/#.UndSXPlmiSo
- 10, Thad McIlroy: The Future of Publishing (blog), “Fixing Publishing is a Group Effort”: http://thefutureofpublishing.com/2013/11/fixing-publishing-is-a-group-effort/
- 19, Publishing Perspectives, “Ether for Authors: Is There an “Architecture of Collaboration” for Startups?”: http://publishingperspectives.com/2013/11/ether-for-authors-is-there-an-architecture-of-collaboration-for-startups/
- 28, Business Day, “Index lays the foundation for benchmarking innovation”.
- 28, Business Day, “Print-on-demand service does it by the book”.
October 2013 (28)
- 1, Ackermans Club, “PART 1 of 2 Always Connected”.
- 1, Ackermans Club (Afrikaans), “PART 1 of 2 MAAK ‘N KONNEKSIE”.
- 1, Africa Print, “AFRICA PRINT”
- 1, Africa Print, “From the publishers desk”
- 3, George Herald, “Jetline: perfect partner in education”.
- 8, Good E Reader, “Paperight Spreads Book Access by Reverting from Digital to Paper”: http://goodereader.com/blog/e-book-news/paperight-spreads-book-access-by-reverting-from-digital-to-paper
- 8, Buchmesse Blog, “The Publisher as Start Up Incubator”: http://blog.book-fair.com/2013/10/08/the-publisher-as-start-up-incubator/
- 9, BooksLIVE, “Paperight Wins the Inaugural CONTEC International Publishing Start-Up Showcase”: http://bookslive.co.za/blog/2013/10/09/paperight-wins-the-inaugural-contec-international-publishing-start-up-showcase/
- 9, Silicon Cape Initiative Blog, “Paperight wins at CONTEC Startup Showcase at Frankfurt Book Fair”: http://www.siliconcape.com/profiles/blogs/paperight-wins-at-contec-startup-showcase-at-frankfurt-book-fair
- 9, Frankfurt Book Fair Blog, “Paperight Wins Startup Showcase”: http://blog.book-fair.com/2013/10/09/paperight-wins-startup-showcase/
- 10, Memeburn, “FNB, Paperight come out tops in SA innovation index”: http://memeburn.com/2013/10/fnb-paperight-come-out-tops-in-sa-innovation-index
- 10, Business Day, “SA’s innovators showcase big ideas”.
- 11, Business Day BDLive, “FNB named best large company innovator”: http://www.bdlive.co.za/business/financial/2013/10/11/fnb-named-best-large-company-innovator
- 11, Marketing Update, “FNB, Paperight named South African Innovation Masters”: http://www.marketingupdate.co.za/?IDStory=57104
- 11, CNBC Africa, interview with Arthur Attwell, William Mzimba (CE of Accenture) and Paul Steenkamp (FNB Head of Innovation). http://www.abndigital.com/video/?bctid=2746726345001
- 11, Fin24.com, “FNB, Paperight crowned innovation masters”: http://www.fin24.com/Companies/Financial-Services/FNB-Paperight-crowned-innovation-masters-20131011
- 11, ITWeb, “FNB, Paperight – SA’s innovation masters”: http://www.itweb.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68096
- 11, Memeburn, “FNB, Paperight come out tops in SA innovation index”: http://memeburn.com/2013/10/fnb-paperight-come-out-tops-in-sa-innovation-index/
- 11, Business Day, “FNB named best large company innovator”.
- 14, Ventureburn, “Publishing startup Paperight claims two prestigious awards in one week”: http://ventureburn.com/2013/10/publishing-startup-paperight-claims-two-prestigious-awards-in-one-week/
- 14, Financial Mail online, “Measuring SA company innovation”: http://www.financialmail.co.za/incoming/article276406.ece
- 16, Cape Argus, “Schools, pupils in final push as big day looms”.
- 16, BDLive, “Innovation Master – Apex Award: Paperight”: http://www.bdlive.co.za/indepth/innovationindex/2013/10/16/innovation-master–apex-award-paperight
- 18, Cape Talk, interview with Arthur Attwell and Kieno Kammies: https://soundcloud.com/primediabroadcasting/paperight-an-innovative-way-of
- 18, Eyewitness News, “Company tackles SA textbook shortages”: http://ewn.co.za/2013/10/18/Paperight-photocopying-books-legally
- 25, South Coast Sun, “Business sponsors matric study aids”.
- 31, Financial Mail online, “Changing direction in pursuit of customers”: http://www.financialmail.co.za/mediaadvertising/2013/10/31/changing-direction-in-pursuit-of-customers
September 2013 (8)
- 1, Foshini Tech, “PART 1 of 3 – TECH MIND”.
- 1, AfricaBusiness.com, “SA Schools Can Now Print TextBooks and Study Guides. Thanks To Paperight And Riso Africa”: http://africabusiness.com/2013/09/01/sa-schools-can-now-print-textbooks-and-study-guides-thanks-to-paperight-and-riso-africa/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Africabusinesscom+%28AfricaBusiness.com%29
- 1, Bookmark, “Innovations that encourage a nation of readers”.
- 3, Booksellers News Africa Branch, “Cambridge University Press titles now on Paperight – new opportunities for booksellers”: http://booksellers.cup.co.za/?m=1&idkey=572
- 3, People’s Post (Woodstock/Maitland), “Developing bright young authors”.
- 10, BizCommunity, “CSI – red herring or social imperative?”: http://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/422/99857.html
- 17, SA Booksellers Association, “Innovations that encourage a nation of readers”: http://www.sabooksellers.com/innovations-that-encourage-a-nation-of-readers/
- 26, George Herald, “Blitsdruk and Paperight help matrics”.
August 2013 (9)
- 1, Education Southern Africa, “Education Southern Africa”.
- 1, Graphix, “School receives much needed material”.
- 7, Bloemfontein Courant, “Nasionale prestasies vir OMS”.
- 7, Paperight Shows You How to Do Ts&Cs, http://www.htxt.co.za/2013/08/07/paperight-shows-you-how-to-do-tscs/
- 8, Eikestadnuus, “Paperight Young Writers’ Anthology 2013”.
- 28, ITWeb, “Paperight, Riso Africa empower schools to print their own textbooks”: http://www.itweb.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=66916
- 28, StartupsFM, “Paperight and Riso Africa empower schools to print their own textbooks”: http://startups.fm/2013/08/28/paperight-and-riso-africa-empower-schools-to-print-their-own-textbooks.html
- 29, TechMoran, “Cape Town’s Paperight.com & Riso Africa Partner To Allow Schools Print Their Own Textbooks”: http://techmoran.com/cape-towns-paperight-com-riso-africa-partner-to-allow-schools-print-their-own-textbooks/#sthash.26RAvahc.AUXjpEPa.dpuf
- 29, Ventureburn, “Paperight partners with copier-printer developer Riso to empower schools”: http://ventureburn.com/2013/08/paperight-partners-with-copier-printer-developer-riso-to-empower-schools/
July 2013 (5)
- 1, Elle, “Read a Book SA”.
- 3, CNN Opinion, “10 African tech startups you need to know”: http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/03/opinion/10-africa-tech-startups-atagana
- 18, Startups FM, “Paperight cracks the code to bringing education to the developing world with its Print on Demand publishing platform”: http://startups.fm/2013/07/18/paperight-cracks-the-code-to-bringing-education-to-the-developing-world-with-its-print-on-demand-publishing-platform.html
- 20, Beeld Naweek, “Hou die uit SA dop”.
- 24, htxt.africa, “SA writer wins Paperight Young Writer award”: http://www.htxt.co.za/2013/07/23/sa-writer-wins-paperight-young-writer-award/
June 2013 (13)
- 1, The Gapp, “Minuteman Sponsors matric class at Silverstream Secondary School”.
- 1, On Route, “Home grown stories”.
- 1, Club X, “School Report”
- 1, Foschini Club Magazine, “Read between the lines”
- 6, SAfm, Interview with Oscar on Morning Talk with Ike Phahla.
- 11, booksloveyou (blog), “Prizes, poetry and Paperight: this week in African publishing news”: http://booksloveyou.blogspot.com/2013/06/prizes-poetry-and-paperight-this-week.html
- 13, Magellan Media Consulting Partners blog, “Putting books in places they’ve never been sold before”: http://www.magellanmediapartners.com/index.php/mmcp/article/distribution_first/
- 15, The Oppidan Press, “Youth literature anthology launches”: http://oppidanpress.com/youth-literature-anthology-launches/
- 19, Kaya FM, Interview with Oscar on Breakfast Show with Bob Mabena.
- 19, The Witness, “Anthology of young writers’ work”.
- 20, Knysna Plett Herald, “Home-made stories”.
- 27, Constantiaberg Bulletin, “Bergvliet pupil has a way with words.”
- 27, Tygertalk (Bellville & Durbanville), “Young writers receive top honours.”
May 2013 (3)
- 1, Fairlady, “People we admire”.
- 21, Publishing Perspectives, “Why I Publish Ebooks on Paper for South Africans”: http://publishingperspectives.com/2013/05/why-i-publish-ebooks-on-paper-for-south-africans/
- 27, Daily Maverick, “The man turning copy shops into bookstores”: http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2013-05-27-the-man-turning-copy-shops-into-publishers#.UcFjo_lmiSo
April 2013 (31)
- 1, Your Family, “Books and exam papers FOR LESS”.
- 1, ITWeb Brainstorm, “The paper revolution”.
- 11, Daily Sun, “Fight long distance learning worries!”.
- 11, Daily Sun (KZN), “Fight long distance learning worries!”.
- 11, George Herald, “Jetline perfect partner in education.” http://www.georgeherald.com/news.aspx?id=49839&h=Jetline-perfect-partner-in-education
- 15, VentureBurn, “SA startup Paperight wins prestigious innovation award at London Book Fair”: http://ventureburn.com/2013/04/sa-startup-paperight-wins-prestigious-innovation-award-at-london-book-fair/
- 15, SAGoodNews, “Paperight wins at London Book Fair”: http://www.sagoodnews.co.za/media/paperight_wins_at_london_book_fair.html
- 15, Global Good News, “Paperight wins at London Book Fair”: http://www.globalgoodnews.com/business-news-a.html?art=136603901737477346
- 15, Howzit.MSN, “Paperight wins at London Book Fair”: http://businessnews.howzit.msn.com/paperight-wins-at-london-book-fair
- 15, Publishing Perspectives, “Ether for Authors: A Mighty Metaphor Is Our Industry”: http://publishingperspectives.com/2013/04/ether-for-authors-a-mighty-metaphor-is-our-industry/
- 16, BizCommunity, “Paperight wins international award”: http://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/574/92057.html
- 16, Fin24.com, “SA start-up wins at London Book Fair”: http://www.fin24.com/Entrepreneurs/News/SA-start-up-wins-at-London-Book-Fair-20130416
- 17, ITWeb, “Another innovation nod for Paperight”: http://www.itweb.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=63320:Another-innovation-nod-for-Paperight
- 17, ITWeb SME, “The paper revolution”: http://www.itweb.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=63323:the-paper-revolution
- 17, PW London Show Daily, “O’Reilly/Paperight deal”.
- 18, South Africa.info, “SA publishing start-up wins UK award”: http://www.southafrica.info/business/trends/innovations/paperight-180413.htm#.UW_L4rVmiSo
- 18, AllAfrica.com, “South Africa: SA Publishing Start-Up Wins UK Award”: http://allafrica.com/stories/201304180220.html
- 18, Who’s Who SA, “South African Start-Up Paperight Wins Big At London Book Fair”: http://www.whoswho.co.za/community/2/post/20
- 18, WeCanChange.co.za, “SA start-up company Paperight Won the Digital Minds Innovation Award at the London Book Fair”: http://wecanchange.co.za/Editors/Articles/tabid/55/itemid/929/amid/376/sa-start-up-company-paperight-won-the-digital-minds-innovation-award-at-the-lon.aspx
- 18, LeadSA, “SA start-up wins at London Book Fair”: http://leadsa.co.za/?p=13181
- 18, Small Business News, “Paperight Bags Digital Minds Innovation Award”: http://smallbusinessnews.co.za/paperight-bags-digital-minds-innovation/
- 18, Equities.com, “SA Publishing Start-Up Wins UK Award”: http://www.equities.com/news/services/2013-04-18/1299417/sa-publishing-startup-wins-uk.story
- 18, Kaya FM, interview with Mo-G on Kaya Central.
- 19, Stuff.co.za, “Local startup Paperight wins Digital Minds Innovation Award at London Book Fair”: http://www.stuff.co.za/2013/04/19/local-startup-paperight-wins-digital-minds-innovation-award-at-london-book-fair/
- 22, Joe Wikert’s Publishing 2020 Blog, “Why Paperight should be distributing your content”: http://jwikert.typepad.com/the_average_joe/2013/04/why-paperight-should-be-distributing-your-content.html
- 22, Arthur on SAFM for World Book Day
- 23, BooksLIVE, “Arthur Attwell’s Paperight Wins Digital Minds Innovation Award and O’Reilly Tools of Change Startup Showcase”: http://bookslive.co.za/blog/2013/04/23/arthur-attwells-paperight-wins-digital-minds-innovation-award-and-oreilly-tools-of-change-startup-showcase/
- 23, The New Age, “Innovation award for SA book publisher”.
- 23, Arthur interviewed on Radio 2000.
- 24, The Citizen, “Print on demand”: http://www.citizen.co.za/citizen/content/en/citizen/lifestyle-features?oid=418715&sn=Detail&pid=146826&Print-on-demand
- 24, The Witness, “Printing books cheaply and quickly”: http://www.witness.co.za/index.php?showcontent&global%5B_id%5D=99265
- 24, The Daily News, “Paperight recognised”.
March 2013 (24)
- 1, Daily News, “Vision to spread books around SA”.
- 2, CNBC Africa, Eye on Western Cape, “Paperight wins publishing innovation competition“
- 2, Burger (Kaap Platterland) Saturday, “Kaapse drukdiens oorsee bekroon”.
- 6, Athlone News, “Pupils can submit literary work for Young Writers’ Anthology”.
- 6, Plainsman, “Young Writers’ Anthology for pupils”.
- 6, Southern Mail, “High school writers’ competition”.
- 6, Table Talk, “High school writers’ competition”.
- 6, Tygertalk (Goodwood & Parow), “High school pupils invited to submit literary work”.
- 7, Tygertalk (Bellville & Durbanville), “High school writers’ competition”.
- 7, Vukani, “Call for writing entries”.
- 7, Southern Suburbs Tatler, “Writer’s anthology for pupils”.
- 7, Atlantic Sun, “Young Writers’ Anthology for pupils”.
- 7, The Capetowner, “Pupils can submit work for Young Writers’ Anthology”.
- 7, Constantiaberg Bulletin, “Writing competition for high school pupils”.
- 7, False Bay Echo, “High school writers’ competition”.
- 8, Sentinel News, “High school writing competition”.
- 14, Vukani, “Shuttleworth to launch Young Writers Anthology”.
- 19, bizcommunity, “Free guide to studying at Unisa“.
- 19, Helderberg Gazette, “Free book helps students to pass”.
- 22, Coastal Weekly, “Multilingual high school anthology”.
- 22, De Aar Echo, “Skryfgeleenthed vir hoerskool leerders”.
- 22, Northcliff & Melville Times, “Calling all aspirant writers”.
- 22, Stanger Weekly, “Submissions open for first multilingual high school anthology”.
- 27, Bandwidth Blog, “Local startup wins innovation award in NYC“.
February 2013 (23)
- 2, Booksquare, “Tools of Change 2013: What Excites Me Right Now”: http://booksquare.com/tools-of-change-2013-what-excites-me-right-now/
- 11, Comunicacion Cultural, “Impresión bajo demanda desde cualquier lugar“
- 16, Publishers Weekly online, “TOC 2013: Startups, Sharing, And the Future of Publishing”
- 18, Paid Content, “Four companies that are changing digital reading in Africa”
- 18, Silicon Cape blog, “South African start-up wins prestigious publishing innovation award”: http://www.siliconcape.com/profiles/blogs/south-african-start-up-wins-prestigious-publishing-innovation-awa
- 18, SA Good News, “Start-up wins prestigious international publishing innovation award”: http://www.sagoodnews.co.za/education/start-up_wins_prestigious_international_publishing_innovation_award.html
- 18, Safari Books Online (blog), “TOC, APIs and Streaming Books”: http://techblog.safaribooksonline.com/2013/02/18/toc-apis-and-streaming-books/
- 19, Ventureburn, “Shuttleworth-funded Paperight wins O’Reilly Startup Showcase”: http://ventureburn.com/2013/02/shuttleworth-funded-african-based-paperight-wins-oreilly-startup-showcase/
- 19, iAfrica.com lifestyle, “Give kids access to knowledge”: http://lifestyle.iafrica.com/parenting/healthy_kids/843289.html
- 19, HumanIPO, “Paperight wins international startup award”: http://www.humanipo.com/news/4066/Paperight-wins-international-startup-award
- 19, TeleRead, “Meet the winners of TOC’s Startup Showcase, Pt 1: Paperight”: http://www.teleread.com/ebooks/meet-the-winners-of-tocs-startup-showcase-part-1-paperight/
- 19, Cape Business News, “Cape-Based Start-Up Wins International Award”: http://www.cbn.co.za/dailynews/6687.html
- 19, Knowledge Bridge, “South Africa’s Paperight holds opportunities for long-form journalism“
- 19, Joycott.org, Paperight profile
- 20, Pie Mag (online), “Local start-up wins innovation award”: http://piemag.co.za/local-start-up-wins-innovation-award/
- 21, Tech Central, “Paperight: books on demand“
- 21, Africa Business.com, “Paperight wins international award and puts local publishing on the map“
- 21, Afrique IT News, “Afrique du Sud: La StartUp “Paperight” lauréate du prestigieux “Change Startup Showcase”
- 21, eBook 2.0 Weekly Magazine (online), “コピーショップをアウトレット書店に変える” (“Paperight changes copy shops into bookstores”):
- 21, Career Planet, “SA start-up wins international Publishing Award“
- 23, Longform Foundry, “Photocopy shops serve as ad-hoc Kindle Singles stores in South Aftica“
- 23, SAFm Michelle Constant show, interview with Arthur Attwell (recording saved in Dropbox)
- 28, Forbes Business (online), “The Future For Bookshops Is To Pave The Cowpaths“.
January 2013 (7)
- 1, Seventeen, “Own this year”, http://gate5.co.za/qv/pr/18323349/20344707/0/j
- 4, Publishing Perspectives, “Ether for Authors: What We Leave Behind”: http://publishingperspectives.com/2013/02/ether-for-authors-what-we-leave-behind/
- 10, Silicon Cape blog, “2012 startups in review: funding, competition winners and acquisitions”: http://www.siliconcape.com/profiles/blogs/2012-startups-in-review-funding-competition-winners-and
- 12, Rapport, “Meer lees danksy fotostaat-boeke” (Press clipping from Newsclip: http://gate5.co.za/qv/pr/18423708/20426888/0/j)
- 15, Valobox blog, “O’Reilly Tools of Change Startup Showcase 2013 Finalists”: http://www.valobox.com/blog/posts/oreilly-tools-of-change-startup-showcase-2013-finalists
- 15, ilovebooks.co.za, “Call for Submissions: Paperight Young Writers Anthology 2013”: http://www.ilovebooks.co.za/call-for-submissions-paperight-young-writers-anthology-2013/
- 29, Nal’ibali supplement (and online), “Paperight: Creating bookshops”: http://nalibali.org/organisations/paperight-creating-bookshops/
November 2012 (10)
- 1, Daily Dispatch “New online library gives SA matrics access to old exam papers”: http://gate5.co.za/qv/pr/17842328/19978984/0/j
- 1, Herald, “Online library to help matrics” : http://gate5.co.za/qv/pr/17845168/19980764/0/j
- 5, Beeld Jip, “Kry oefenvraestelle so in hande”, http://gate5.co.za/qv/pr/17874481/20001708/0/j
- 5, Burger (Kaap & Oos-Kaap) Jip, “Gratis matriekvraestelle aanlyn!”: http://gate5.co.za/qv/pr/17874942/20002056/0/j
- 6, Libros y Bitios, “Una máquina POD en cada esquina”: http://jamillan.com/librosybitios/2012/11/una-maquina-pod-en-cada-esquina/
- 7, SAFm, interview with Nick Mulgrew re: Paperight Young Writer’s Anthology
- 8, Daily Sun, SAB Innovation Awards: http://gate5.co.za/qv/pr/17884882/20010323/0/j
- 8, The New Age, “R4 malaria test kit wins R1m innovation prize”: http://gate5.co.za/qv/pr/17885145/20010566/0/j
- 8, PUKU.co.za, “Paperight Launches Multilingual Young Writers Competition”: http://puku.co.za/2012/11/08/paperight-launches-multilingual-young-writers-competition/
- 14, Daily Dispatch, “Engineer guides matrics to better results”: http://gate5.co.za/qv/pr/17976082/20073954/0/j
October 2012 (7)
- 3, Ventureburn, “13 South African startups to look out for in 2013”: http://ventureburn.com/2012/10/13-sa-startups-to-look-out-for-in-2013/
- 9, Hectic Nine-9, entrepreneur interview
- 11, George Herald, “Jetline gives back to education”: http://www.georgeherald.com/news.aspx?id=37578&h=Jetline-gives-back-to-education
- 14, Paid Content, “Frankfurt Book Fair 2012: Self-publishing, cell phones and startups”: http://paidcontent.org/2012/10/14/frankfurt-book-fair-2012-self-publishing-cell-phones-and-startups/
- 30, Daily Sun, Money, “Awarding the top innovators!”: http://gate5.co.za/qv/pr/17815848/19962324/0/p
- 30, SA Good News, “Paperight offers free access to past matric exam papers”: http://www.sagoodnews.co.za/education/paperight_offers_free_access_to_past_matric_exam_papers_2.htm
- 30, Howzit MSN Business, “Paperight offers free access to past matric exam papers”: http://businessnews.howzit.msn.com/article.aspx?cp-documentid=251821724
- 31, Pretoria News, “Exams on demand” : http://gate5.co.za/qv/pr/17831944/19971208/0/j
August 2012 (5)
- 1, ITWeb Business, “Solving Africa’s books crisis, one copy shop at a time”: http://www.itweb.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=57308:Solving-Africa-s-books-crisis-one-copy-shop-at-a-time
- 16, Stories of Hope (blog), “Paperight aims to get affordable books to where they are needed”: http://stories-of-hope-int.blogspot.com/2012/08/paperight-aims-to-get-affordable-books.html
- 23, Supernews, “Paperight makes copying books legal and cheap”: http://www.supernews.co.za/paperight-makes-buying-books-affordable-and-easy/
- 27, PUKU.co.za, “FunDza to Partner with Paperight to Made Mobile Stories Available in Print”: http://puku.co.za/2012/08/27/fundza-to-partner-with-paperight-to-made-mobile-stories-available-in-print/
- 29, if:Book Australia, “Automatic Panel: Arthur Attwell”, interview with Simon Groth.
July 2012 (18)
- Radio Zibonele live reads for matric past paper campaign at Silulo stores: version 1; version 2; version 3.
- 6, Mail & Guardian (paper & online) “No textbooks? I’ll print them for you…”: http://mg.co.za/article/2012-07-05-no-textbooks-ill-print-them-for-you
- 12, Monographer (blog), “Creating new indie booksellers: the Paperight model”: http://monographer.wordpress.com/2012/07/12/creating-new-indie-booksellers-the-paperight-model/
- 13, the Digital Reader, “POD Might Have Greater Future in Africa than eBooks”: http://www.the-digital-reader.com/2012/07/13/pod-has-a-greater-future-in-africa-than-ebooks/
- 14, Weekend Post, “Desperate teachers flout copyright to help publish books”
- 22, Feeble Fruits (blog), “Paperight and Mo-Books at TEDx Cape Town”: http://feeblefruits.blogspot.com/2012/07/paperight-and-mo-books-at-tedx-cape-town.html
- 23, IT-Online, “Innovation could solve book crisis”: http://www.it-online.co.za/2012/07/23/innovation-could-solve-book-crisis/
- 23, Ventureburn, “Turn your copy shop into a book shop / pay less for books with Paperight“: http://ventureburn.com/2012/07/get-paper-books-for-30-cheaper-with-paperight/
- 23, MediaUpdate, “Paperight aims to get affordable books to where they are needed”: http://www.mediaupdate.co.za/?IDStory=48358
- 24, ITWeb Business, “The rebirth of the photocopy shop”: http://www.itweb.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=57054:the-rebirth-of-the-photocopy-shop&catid=69
- 25, Melville House blog, “Gutenberg in the copy shop”: http://www.mhpbooks.com/gutenberg-in-the-copy-shop/
- 25, Publishing Genius Press blog, “Self-Publishing, Publishing, Technology, and Reader Habits”: http://publishinggenius.com/?p=961
- 25, Gadget.co.za, “Solving book crisis, one copy shop at a time”: http://www.gadget.co.za/pebble.asp?relid=4935
- 25, Good E Reader, “Paperight Bringing Books to Outlying Africa”: http://goodereader.com/blog/electronic-readers/paperight-bringing-books-to-outlying-africa/
- 25, ActuaLitte, “Afrique : les imprimantes, avenir de la distribution de livres”: http://www.actualitte.com/international/afrique-les-imprimantes-avenir-de-la-distribution-de-livres-35617.htm
- 26, You, “No textbooks? No problem!”: https://wiki.paperight.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/you-article_20120722.pdf
- 26, Huisgenoot, “My Wens: Kennis vir die jonges”
- 30, Top Tablet PC, “Paperight Bringing Books to Outlying Africa”: http://toptabletpc.org/paperight-bringing-books-to-outlying-africa.html
June 2012 (1)
- 13, the Digital Reader (blog), “POD Might Have Greater Future in Africa than eBooks“: http://www.the-digital-reader.com/2012/06/12/bookstores-arent-future-pod-print-shops-are/#.T9egEdUtg8U
May 2012 (3)
- 8, Dominic Tweedie, SA-Swaziland Solidarity EOM Forum: http://groups.google.com/group/sa-swaziland-solidarity-eom-forum/browse_thread/thread/85f2dd1b905a5352?pli=1
- 8, Dominic Tweedie, Communist University : http://groups.google.com/group/communist-university/browse_thread/thread/14b9b216cb006391/642a3617472dd9e5?show_docid=642a3617472dd9e5
- 31, City Views, “4 future-forward local publishing initiatives”: http://issuu.com/capetownpartnership/docs/city_views_june_2012_lowres_split_pages/11
April 2012 (4)
- 1, blog.booki.cc, “The Modern Print Shop”: http://www.awebpageisabook.net/2012/04/the-modern-print-shop/
- 16, Publishing Perspectives, “LBF 2012: Transformative Startups in Publishing”: http://publishingperspectives.com/2012/04/lbf-2012-transformative-startups-in-publishing/
- 25, FunDza blog, “FunDza To Partner With Paperight”: http://www.fundza.co.za/2012/fundza-partners-with-paperight/
- 30, Alliance Lab (blog), “New publishing models from the South: the case of Paperight”: http://alliance-lab.org/archives/251#.USSaU6VBOwI
March 2012 (1)
- 15, Publishnews, “Novos modelos de distribuição: o case da Paperight”: http://www.publishnews.com.br/telas/colunas/detalhes.aspx?id=67486
December 2011 (1)
- 2, Bookmark Magazine, “‘Paperight: Offering a legal book printing solution to copy shops”: http://www.sabooksellers.com/wp-content/assets/BookmarkVol28.pdf
October 2011 (3)
- 14, EdLab (Teachers College, Colombia University), “EdLab Review: Paperight”: http://edlab.tc.columbia.edu/index.php?q=node/6637
- 17, booktrade.info, “P&H To Distribute Through Innovative Print-on-demand Service”, http://www.booktrade.info/index.php/showarticle/36611
- 28, eBook Educators Group (blog), “Paperight – more detail”: http://edukindle.ning.com/forum/topics/paperight-more-detail
May 2011 (1)
- 16, the Digital Reader, “Paperight could be the next stage of POD”: http://www.the-digital-reader.com/2011/05/16/paperight-could-be-the-next-stage-of-pod/
November 2009 (1)
- 13, KoopTech (blog), “Unbundling the Publishing Industry – Interview with Arthur Attwell, Founder of Electric Book Works”: http://blog.kooptech.de/2009/11/unbundling-the-publishing-industry-interview-with-arthur-attwell-founder-of-electric-book-works/
October 2009 (1)
- 15, Publishing Perspectives, “Print-Your-Own Book May Be the Answer for Emerging Markets”: http://publishingperspectives.com/2009/10/print-your-own-book-may-be-the-answer-for-emerging-markets/
- Interview in an odd article in the Sunday Times
- Publishing-consultant Laura Dawson is a true fan.
- Nice mentions: The Digital Reader, where Nate Hoffelder has covered Paperight before; Deji Olokutun’s tumblr (Deji is Freedom to Write Fellow at the PEN American Center); Tim Keller, lead dev at Umoya; and Eve Gray, a long-time Paperight supporter.
- Arthur’s talk at ANFASA was covered in their online report
- Partner organisation mentions:
- Fundza (joint press release),
- Anthony Hayes of P&H, and
- Realm Digital.
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