Preparing for the #textbookrevolution

We hit the ground running in January with preparations to support the launch of the #textbookrevolution in February. We reformatted all A4 one-up documents – I created the detailed list of documents for Philippa to work through, and assisted by adjusting crop marks of these for easy conversion. I also supported Philippa’s uploading and document processing efforts by sourcing pricing and metadata information. I finalised the DocRaptor compatible CSS, and bug fixes, and we went live with the DocRaptor adjustment.

Other activities included a call with Louise from Bookstorm, a meeting with Hetta from UNISA Press to finalise contracts, and finishing uploading of the backlogged documents.

The disappointing news for the month was from Harlequin: they declined a partnership with us, saying that they were unable to pursue this opportunity for the time being.

Publisher registrations

  • Pearson SA (8/1/2014)
  • TIE, LCC (15/1/2014)
  • Mkuki na Nyota Publishers (23/1/2014)
  • Neosmart (Pty) Ltd (26/1/2014)
  • Bookstorm (28/1/2014)